About Us

Since 16 Years, the IndoreNews Media Group is one of the foremost trusted sources of News & Information in Central India.

The media journey was started in Year 2005 on wordpress.com, covering the news and information regarding Madhya Pradesh and important national & international events.

In the year 2009, the IndoreNews.Com increased its presence & reach through social media platforms like facebook, Orkut etc. In the same same year (2009) the facebook page of IndoreNews was started with the same aim to provide trusted information to our viewer/visitors.

In the year 2014, IndoreNews.Com shifted from WordPress.com to self-hosted platform of IndoreNews.Com web portal.

In the year 2020, a bad hacking attempt on IndoreNews.Com occurred. After various measures, we were able to gain access to our webportal again but due to some injected malicious codes, whole data was messed up very badly. The web portal was not working smoothly and visitors were complaining various issues which lead to bad user experience.

So finally, we decided to revamp our web portal IndoreNews.Com with completely new look and style from ground up. You can join & follow us on our web portal www.IndoreNews.com, Facebook page(77,000+ followers), Instagram (10,200+ followers), facebook group(38,000+ members)… and growing every day.

Since 16 Years, even after various ups and downs, one thing that has never changed is “being a responsible & trusted source of news & information”.
